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George Street, Blackburn

November 2019 - December 2019



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The existing FHR4 Br 28 was in poor condition throughout with extensive corrosion and section losses to metallic elements. The main works consisted of infilling the structure and the removal of the remaining steel sections.

To facilitate the main works, Pod-Trak undertook the removal of the existing track and reinstallation following the infill. Prior to core weekend, the new track alignment for the Up and Down Goods Loop and the East Lancs Siding was set out.

During the core possession works the existing track was removed with all serviceable materials stored on site for installation following the infill. Once removed, Pod-Trak left site for 12hrs while works continued.

On return and following the infill, bottom ballast levels were verified and reinstatement of the Up and Down Goods Loop along with the East Lancs Siding commenced under very tight timescales.

Following the track reinstatement, top ballast was installed in advance of a tamper passing through. All works were successfully delivered in the core weekend with the line open to traffic as

Follow up tamping visits and ballast top up took place the week after to ensure track geometry was correct. Prior to handback of possessions, all quality checks, as built surveys and track handback
were completed by Pod-Trak and submitted to the client CRE.

All works were supported by Pod-Trak Plant and safely delivered on time and to budget.

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