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Pantobot Installation – Heathrow

Design and Installation

JULY – SEP 2018



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Key Information

Three months completion

New pantograph monitoring system

Working on bridge structure

PTL was engaged by Heathrow Airport Limited at conceptual design stage to assist Camlin Rail in delivering a custom structure on which to fix their smart pantograph monitoring system.

Due to the existing infrastructure and its structures a standard column could not be utilised so a number of options were to be explored. During this early stage it was requested that PTL carry out various structural and investigative surveys to ascertain a location for the pantobot column. With the information collated, and no viable location for a column to be installed trackside it was determined that the best solution would be to fix the pantobot to an existing bridge structure.

With a location agreed, PTL, working collaboratively with the client, engaged designers to carry both a concept and detailed design with a number of options to consider. PTL, utilising their incumbent knowledge of Heathrow Airport Limited’s High resolution photography allowing automated measurement and analysis key stakeholders, assisted the designer in carrying out internal design reviews to agree the best solution for the project. The overall duration of the above process took approximately 3 months, however, ensured that the pantograph was installed on time, to budget and in the most efficent way possible.

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