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MerseyRail Stressing

November 2019 - April 2020



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Following the completion of platform improvement works across MerseyRail, Pod-Trak were contracted to carry out restressing workings at five stations across the network.

All the sites were through tight platform areas with constrained RoTR possession access of 5hrs reduced to 4hrs working time taking into consideration the isolation of the 3rd Rail.

Many of the sites had been attempted previously by others but issues such as sleepers being stuck to the pads and seized clips led to numerous abortive shifts. Pod-Trak were engaged by AMCO
to offer a viable solution and complete the sites in question.

To avoid any issues on site, each location was surveyed in advance and a lessons learned session held with AMCO to ensure previous issues could be resolved. A schedule of preparation works
was drawn up and planned to take place before the actual stressing to ensure that all unclipping and rail pulling could be carried out.

Along with carrying out the physical works on site, Pod-Trak Engineering staff completed the Form A-G, CRT Assessment and Stressing Certificate at each location for submission back to the
client CRE.

The key to successful delivery of the works was engagement with the client to understand the problem, carrying out key preparatory works, briefing of the teams and assigning a consistent delivery team.

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