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Feltham Depot Mainline – Rail Telecoms

Feltham Depot Mainline Rail Telecoms
Infrastructure Projects

January 2020 - June 2020

£450k (Phase 1)


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As part of the construction of a new rail depot for First MTR a telecoms scope including diversion of the existing systems and installation of new rail telecoms assets was awarded to Pod-Trak for completion alongside our existing Civil Engineering scope within the depot.

The works involved diverting legacy copper and fibre FTN network to allow for the entrance to the new depot from mainline to be constructed. Pod-Trak provided the CRE to oversee all works that
involved the installation of new coper and fibre cable to facilitate the diversion of all services.

Six new XCNR cross connect cabinets were built to create new interconnection points for installation of new mainline services to within the depot and a number of new Signal post telephones. The project also involved the diversion of the fibre FTN Networks in the area as well as diverting additional fibre optic cables linked to level crossing CCTV along the route to Waterloo. The works were successfully delivered by Pod-Trak without any disruption to train services while adhering to Government guidelines on social distancing and Covid-19.

The project was particularly challenging due to the poor legacy records which had to be checked, tested and verified as part of the project and due to the complex access issues along the route to
Waterloo to allow for testing and commissioning procedures – all challenges were overcome in time for vital depot p-way works to complete on schedule. The CRE negotiated all permissions and access agreements in what proved to be an extremely complex diversion scheme.

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